Road to Beijing

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Annaliisa's Part

Hi everyone,

Annaliisa here. This is my two cents worth as to what is happening/has been happening with Neelu and myself.

When Kevin first approached me in Palmerston North about riding with Neelu and helping her get to the Beijing Paralympics I thought it was too big for me. After some considerable thought and talking with mum (can’t get by without my mum) I decided that I would give it a go. I hadn’t discussed it with my husband Nigel at this stage but I didn’t think it would be too much of a problem (we have ways and means of fixing problems……).

It took a few months initially for us to get going because the tandem that Neelu and Kevin were riding was way too long for me and I couldn’t get the seat down far enough.

Neelu had a recreational tandem which was exactly that. The seats were wide – ouch – and the seat up was totally wrong. So with the help of Nigel we got it going, changed seats, handle bars etc.

Our first ride together was hilarious. I had only ever been on the back of a tandem, never on the front. I felt every little movement that Neelu made and for a start it really freaked me out. Its fine now, I hardly notice the movements. Nigel has been a great help to. He has come with us on a few rides and pointed out some things to Neelu that she was doing that affected me on the front, as in when we were out of the saddle I’d be going from left to right then back again. It turned out that what Neelu was doing was looking over one of my shoulders then the other hence the to-ing and fro-ing. Little things like that have mead a difference.

Now Neelu is a real character. After our first ride together she thought it would be a good idea to get going up on the hills!!!!! You can imagine my response to that! Patience my dear….all in good time. We got into Time Trialing and it was great. We can now get out of the saddle at the start and at the turn around. I looked forward to going riding with Neelu because we have a lot of laughs. We have finally been up around the hills and it was a blast. Very interesting with the extra person but Neelu really gives it everything.

I’ll be away from the 22 June on a five week holiday in Europe – with no bikes!! What I hear you say, NO BIKES!!! It is true. It’s my time for a break in riding. I normally have May off but I’m still riding and training with Neelu. Tracy Clark has come on board to help with Neelu while I’m away and has been out for a couple of rides with her already and guess what…..after their first ride together Neelu mentioned about going up around the hills! I told you she’s a character.

It is great having Kevin Searle on board as our manager and part time rider with Neelu. We can concentrate on our riding while Kevin is in the background drumming up sponsorship and support. Neelu and I really appreciate what Kevin is doing/going to do.

Our task now is to get a proper racing bike and take it from there. I’m looking forward to the challenges that lie ahead and tackling them head on with Neelu. I’m very privileged to be helping her achieve her dream – Beijing 2008.

Let the fun begin……

Until next time, stay upright.


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